I was cloaked with invisibility beneath the bird feeder, keeping a close eye on the squirrels, when who should appear but the neighbor’s poodle, Spud. We had words after he chased everyone out of the yard! The great debate between us is who is smarter, dogs or cats (obviously you know where I stand). Dogs believe that because they can learn tricks and a few key human words, they are brainier. Spud even brags that his breed is the smartest of all (not true: the Border Collie holds that honor). I tried to explain why cats don’t always do what their owners ask: we think for themselves and do what makes sense, in the time frame that suits us. Sure, we know the word for dinner and walk and fetch, we just choose to ignore you, frequently. Yet a sure sign of our intelligence is the ease at which we can get YOU to do what WE want! Up at 3 am? Bet your cat pounced on you or scratched the door until you opened it. Tried to swap out our good can food with dry kibble? We get our point across with a hairball placed ironically on your table.
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